Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two And A Half Men Beer

As Kissinger turned away from the Jews

During the conversation with President Nixon's Secretary of State Henry Kissinger showed a cold cynicism regarding Soviet Jews, writes Francesco Battistini in an article published in the newspaper Corriere della Sera .

"Once, in 1973, Henry Kissinger came to the Oval Office to tell the outgoing President Nixon about his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir - the newspaper writes.

"Iron Golda was concerned about the repression, which were Jews in the Soviet Union. She asked that the American president put pressure on Moscow to "refuseniks" were allowed to travel to Israel. "Emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not the aim of American foreign policy - Secretary of State snapped. - And even if the Soviet Union was shoved to the Jews in gas chambers, it should not be cause for concern the United States. Perhaps - a cause for concern from a humanitarian standpoint. " That's what the president wanted to hear: "I know - Nixon agreed, - we can not because of this blow up the world."

Publication recordings of that era is not surprising Jews. Back in 2009 were published some notes made by Nixon, as it was called - "Tricky Dick", which can be translated as "coon" or "cunning hell". "The Jews there is a desire to die - say the 37 th president - and that their age-old problem, "said the reporter.

As Henry Kissinger, who is now almost 90 years, "we should not forget that he - Bavarian Jew, his dad was dismissed by the Nazis, that more than 10 of his relatives perished in gas chambers in 15 years Henry managed to escape the gas chamber, a Manhattan money into the house of Henry Kissinger brought my mother, who worked as a cook at the bar mitzvah celebrations, "- the author writes article.

David Vital, a historian who knows Kissinger about 50 years, writes: "I do not think this is a manifestation of cynicism: he said it, that Nixon understood. In fact, he just wanted to say that you should not anger the Soviet Union. He could express his thoughts gently: but how he knew that Nixon was a mania to record all conversations? "

Source: Corriere della Sera Translation:


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