Friday, May 27, 2011

Innsbruck Travel Trailer 2009

parties in a Nazi prison

Hotel in the city of Hamelin, a building which previously served a prison today offers as entertainment "prison holidays" with the participation of supervisors and the issuance of a striped prison Rob Benjamin Schulz wrote in an article on the site of the journal Der Spiegel .

for 44 euros offers a prison menu and drinks, as well as a program called "Prussian justice ", duration 4,5 hours. About this guide informs its customers on the home page.

This historic building was constructed in 1827 and initially served as a prison, which became in 1935 the penitentiary Nazis, the author continues. According to the historian and ethnographer Bernhard Gelderbloma, in Nazi era there were killed 474 people. As reported by the historian, the prisoners were dying "because of overwork, over-the close placement, hunger, lack of heating and catastrophic health care. " Some were killed "while trying to escape" or "publicly hanged." After the war, prison served the British army as a place of punishment.

In 1992 the city sold the building for the symbolic price of 1 mark. In August 1993, was opened "Hotel Stadt Hameln".

Inglorious Past building colorfully described on the website the hotel. However, since the end of the XIX century and until 1978, when the last prisoners left the jail, reference shall not be granted.

In a telephone interview with the managing hotels Gabriele Gyuze said about the "prison programs:" We do not believe that we are in our hotel who inflict any harm or offend anyone. " On the question why on the home page of the hotel makes no mention of his "Nazi the past, "Frau Gyuze refused to answer.

French professor Maurice Born, many years dealing with the history of Hamelin, I could not, in his words, to believe his eyes when stumbled upon the advertising message of "Prison holidays. "I thought it was a joke," - he admits. In October 2010 he wrote a letter the address of the hotel, the mayor and city council factions, where expressed his "outrage and disappointment" in connection with this fact. Reply letter he did not received from anyone.

8 May 2006 in Hameln opened memorial plaque in memory of the prisoners who died during the Nazi period, in conclusion, the author notes. Justice ustanovlena doska territorii the City, not gostinice Tues.

spring: Der Spiegel Perevod:

Einst qudlten tcteten und die Nazis hier Gefangene: Ein Hotel in Hameln das als frьher Gefdngnis diente, bietet "Knastfeten" an, Aufseher und gestreifte T-Shirts inklusive. Die Geschdftsfьhrung sieht darin nichts Verletzendes, Historiker sind emptsrt.


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