Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Purple Streaks In Dark Brown Hair

Reservations politicians - Leonid Kuchma

AP. "I - the president, the head of State, and shall not engage in many issues that have to deal with. Economies, including ".

AP. "If I lose the election - Drink a glass of vodka, zakushu fat and will continue to work. "

AP. Ukraine - a poor country with many problems, about which we can say anything, and that I can walk, wiping his feet as a wet rag, and go on. "

AP. "Russia - our dolzhnitsa. Not in some legal sense, but morally. In the end, is what binds us together rather than divides. And yet it is the duty, not going anywhere. I think awareness of this duty does not involve contains nothing offensive to Russia. Recognition of this debt, by contrast, will raise Russia. "

AP. "Above us there are no clouds, no Khmara ... The temperature corresponding - Neither hot nor cold - about the relations between Moscow and Kiev.

AP. "Especially I love poking around in the ground. At the cottage where I live, all the residents forced to work. "

AP. "I have become more, you know, evil. Evil in a good sense of the word. "



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