Saturday, May 28, 2011

12 Days Late Blood In Cervical Mucus

Pauls - a New Wave in Jurmala

4 June 2011 at 19.00 their anniversary, 75 th season opens the famous hall Dzintari. On this occasion, will concert, the protagonist of which, no doubt, will become property of the republic Raimonds Pauls.

Photo Maris Morkans

Interview Raimonds Pauls correspondent of the newspaper Telegraph.

«Solid anniversaries ...»

- Maestro, you're the same age as the hall Dzintari - you will this year also marks 75 years of age. And yet anniversary of Lev Ostrovsky, artistic director of the hall ...

- Yes, solid anniversaries. I'm still alive. And Lev Ostrovsky alive. And Dzintari worth it. On this occasion - concert as a concert. Few such a classic. In two offices. You will hear a bell, and at first will be George Gershwin. Together with the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra fulfill his masterpieces. Will be "An American in Paris". And played "Rhapsody in Blue." I was a little doubt whether to play this work. And now doubt but ... persuaded. So there will be "Rhapsody ..." Intars Busulis sing.

Then there will be an intermission. And the second part of our famous choir Kamēr running a remarkable Marisa Sirmais (classical conductor!) And I have done quite a complex composition, written in 1972 verses Arvida Grigulisa. We performed this thing on my anniversary of the winter in "Arena Riga". Now, many have forgotten Grigulisa, he is a writer of the Soviet period, and we have so taken over that now swear ... But it is very was a good writer. Probably will play Bach - for me it dope, because I graduated from the conservatory ... Still a bit sad that I'm not so seriously as it should was treated to his hands, could become a classical pianist ...

- Yes, on a background of classical pianists you stand out as his "simple" outstanding talent ...

- Well, then, will be Symphony Jazz! All these electronics are already tired of it goes down in history. But most importantly, what will be live music. This I can say boasted. And they often see today in the city of posters of Russian performers, where the singer's name is written large "Live sound!" "Live Sound" - it turns out, is now a rarity. Unfortunately, we are accustomed to Phonograms Treaty. From this we must give up on the stage. And the "New Wave" including, incidentally.

«On" New Wave "I represent the home country ...»

- Once you have started the "New Wave" ... Last year you said you had enough, you will not co-chair of the jury. And yet the jury were. And this year, do not say anything. Even the guards somehow ...

- I say this, because sometimes I have withdrawn from a different stupid options that may arise now.

- What are my options?

- I Muse about the festival, for example. About Alla. I can say that now all guess: it will come or not come. As if only in malls and business. And she, in my opinion, does not even know where to hit! No, I'm fine to her, she outstanding singer, but for me the "New Wave" - \u200b\u200bstill primarily music and young talent.

All these intrigues such as they should be at the festival, but they have no right to overshadow the main purpose. Again, the phonogram. This is simply a kind of world traditions. I just accidentally watched live recording after 80 years of Gorbachev, which took place in London. And I was shocked that the London Symphony orchestra sits on stage and as it plays, and sounds ... soundtrack! This is despite the fact that this is one of the world's best symphony orchestras of old!

- Maestro, so you will co-chair of the jury?

- Yes, for the tenth time ... After the tenth time in a competition.

- Do not you think that the competition - primarily a commercial event? For example, say that the "New Wave" was concluded many deals related to real estate in Jurmala ...

- And what we have today a non-profit, tell me? Newspapers have today also because commercial if not mistaken? That's just it. A TV that is not commercial?

Today, everything is decided by the ratings. You know what ends any television show today? The main organizer, calls on TV and immediately asks: "Well, what rating?" Depends on the rating business. This is especially true, of course, developed by Russian TV channels - there is in fact quite a different turn. There are millions of them! Well, we have television simple, small - some funny contests ...

I personally "FXOpen Welle represent his native country, Latvia. And try to affect the quality of the competition. After all, everyone remembers the "Jurmala" in the late 1980's. There's still everything it was built so that the winners and laureates became known. Recall of the same Alexander Malinin. Or Valentina Legkostupova, Valeria, the same our Igo Fomins. And Soso Pavliashvili! If there is no such approach, does not develop a park.

- Maestro, do you remember when I first visited the Hall of Dzintari?

- Of course! In the fifties. Then there was the current stage, and was the scene on the other hand, where the Small Hall. And lo, there appeared Armenian jazz band.

- Under leadership Orbelian?

- Yes, just him. And it was incredible. I still remember how was the concert at the door and looked at the amazing drummer. Generally, there were these concerts! Mravinsky conducted, Kondrashin ... Played by Sviatoslav Richter, Emil Gilels ... All I do not remember.

Across the hall was the famous restaurant "Lido", which seems only now that someone has decided to renovate. And in the heart of the resort city was a wreck. Nightmare! By the way, next to the "Lido" at the time was another popular place. Performed there was the dream of all musicians, so that the tip was excellent - just big money some! Sometimes All pockets were stuffed with bills. I was there in memory of old times and today are invited to eat. Free. I do not deny the old memory.

way, Despite these improvements, for this work to the hall Dzintari must continue to think. And start with an underground car park. It's in Jurmala problem for the viewer - to park before the concert. But I spoke in Vitebsk "Slavonic Bazaar" and I want to say that they Estrada's nice. And with the roads well. I do not know how well in Belarus, in some other areas ... But in Vitebsk, everything is fine!

I recently toured a lot, was Ukraine, performed with great musicians. In May I was supposed to be a project with the Moscow Virtuosi, Vladimir Spivakov, and they themselves offered to me. But I still refused. I'm not sure ... In such cases, we must think seriously - about the repertoire, for example. And still not sure, because Spivakov is very strong and strict composition. Or am I afraid of something?

But here in Kiev I was pleased. I played there with a terrific saxophone player, and we have each other so well, "beat". And when I had a good sense of "beat", he bowed to me so beautiful on stage. High ratios!

«We Lana are sitting by the lake ...»

- It can be romantic question?

- Come on!

- When was the last time you walked quietly along the sea?

- It was not.

- can not be!

- or simply do not remember. Once I lived in Asari, yes. Nearby was a rest house composers Melluzhi. But there's cottage burned down, when all of Jurmala on fire - in the early 1990's. Now I'm on the other side, the lake.

I am by nature appreciate classical Latvian nature, views of the lake, the woods in the distance. It's sort of a closed space, but on the beach you see everything. You will pass on the beach and met some people who still have something to answer. Still do not know what they ask. Someone will say again: "Raymond, Why do you climb in this parliament? "Thank God, I washed away in time. Now here's a thought to anyone again, choose the president. I also offered the presidency, among other things.

- Again?

- Leave me alone! I want to say that I do not need it. To me from behind, I say that I do not agree to go for the presidency, because President's salary is small. And I imagine their work and so can safely earn a living. Thank you all and retirement pay. It is possible to sit quietly in lake. Although Lana loves the sea, yeah. She did herself with the sea, with Black. But now more and more, too, by the lake.

«Do not forget to take a half-liter!»

- Maestro approaching your golden wedding ...

- It will fall. I'll order myself a long, long, 20 meters, the limousine in which the Muse, by the way, is riding. Doll on the hood planted. We'll all be with Lana in white. Let's go to the Freedom Monument. Then on Basteykalnse hang on the bridge of the castle - a large, granary. And the machine will run Shavrov journalist and photographer Morkans. I'll see how you behave - maybe'll drop. Directly to the church. Well, after the church's drink, of course. By the way, do not forget take a half-liter. Honestly, I do not know, I say this in jest or in earnest ...

And if you get serious about this ... Oh, I remember that day 50 years ago, when we got married. I have that day in the pocket of even 30 cents was not. Do you understand why - so after the wedding did not go to "rejoice" before my time. We all it's gone. Unpleasant period. Then they all had to start from scratch.

- your creative plans?

- Good question. Summer begins. Now open the concert, but still will be my anniversary concert at the "New Wave". Different artists will sing my songs on poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko from the album "God bless". It's a pity our Intars Busulis, who recorded this disc in Russia as something did not go. For them, it "non". But there will be more and Irina Dubtsova sing - she sips good voice is.

Well, I went - after 15 minutes of the beginning of the play. I still have to change clothes. The main thing is that the piano was in good condition. Although - no difference. I've been in the village on an old piano, "Riga", sometimes I play. And as it turns out ...


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