Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nadine Jansen Forum 2011

last words Komarova


If we believe the new book, American intelligence intercepted last words Vladimir Komarov, reports The Daily Mail . "When a mosquito rushed to the earth's surface, and certain death at the wrecked" Soyuz-1 ", you could hear him calling and curses the "people who put him in concentrated I guess made a spaceship" - the newspaper said.

analyst of U.S. national security, called in the book "Perry Felluok," said the authors of the book that overheard while on the American station radioshpionazha in Turkey, talks with the Centre Komarova Mission Control and the Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin of the USSR. "According to Felluoka, on the record could hear cries and Kosygin said Komarov, that he was a hero "- the newspaper said.


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This information is contained in the book Jamie Doran and Piers Bayzoni Star man: Is it true that behind the legend of Yuri Gagarin "(Starman, The Truth Behind the Legend of Yuri Gagarin, by Jamie Doran and Piers Bizony), which will be released in April. The book tells of friendship with his counterpart, Komarova Gagarin. According to book, both knew that the Soyuz-1 "is unreliable.

"Komarov was supposed to reach orbit on Soyuz-1. The next day was supposed to take off second space ship with two other astronauts on board. The ships were supposed to meet and dock, and Komarov - to move from one to another and back home on the second ship. It was planned that this will be a triumph of Soviet cosmonauts to mark the 50 anniversary of the communist revolution, "- tells the publication.

According newspaper, checking the "Soyuz-1" 203 was found to lack structure. "But no one dared to tell the Soviet leader Brezhnev about omissions: everyone was afraid of lowering the promotion, dismissal, or links to Siberia for diplomats. " Flight occurred on schedule, "- says the article.

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A few weeks before the start of Komarov met with a KGB officer demoted Benjamin Rusaeva and told him: "From this flight I will not go back." When Rusal asked why mosquitoes can not refuse to fly, he said that in the event of his refusal to send an understudy. "This is the Jura, and he will die instead of me. We must keep it, "- said Komarov, referring to Gagarin, and wept.



April 23, 1967 Soyuz-1 "was launched, and soon started the problem. Home another ship, scheduled for the next day was canceled, and Komarov lost hope for the safe return. Then did not open the parachute descent apparatus, and motors when hitting the ground exploded.

Source: Daily Mail Translation:

The final words of doomed Russian cosmonaut, Vladimir Komarov, were picked up by US intelligence, according to a new book. As Komarov hurtled towards earth and certain death in the stricken Soyuz 1 craft, he could be heard screaming and cursing the 'people who had put him inside a botched spaceship. Read more


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