Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Brown Hair With Blonde

Deepest well in the world in the USSR

Doryt to Beelzebub: in 1970 a team of Soviet researchers conducted drilling operations on the Kola Peninsula, which had been dug the deepest hole in the world. Large-scale project was conceived with the research objectives, but suddenly brought almost to hysteria around the world. It is rumored that the Soviet Scientists stumbled upon the "road to hell," wrote SPIEGEL ONLINE .

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

"Chilling picture: in the middle of deserted expanses of the Kola Peninsula 150 km north of Murmansk rises abandoned oil derrick. Crowding around the barracks for officers, facilities with laboratories. A thick layer of dust covered the everything before the last traces of human presence, apparently in a hurry to leave these places, "- continues the author.

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

May 24, 1970, when the USSR and USA race mastering space in the Soviet Union on the border with Finland and Norway launched a project for drilling ultra deep wells on situ geological Baltic Shield. For several decades, the Kola ultradeep well "swallowed" millions, allowing scientists to do some pretty serious scientific discoveries. However, the loudest discovery at a depth of 10 km has transformed a research project in the event with deeply religious overtones, which guesses the truth and falsehood blended together, creating a sensational reports in all the world media.

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

Shortly after the start of drilling Kola ultradeep became the Soviet model-demonstration projects, in just a few years of SG-3 broke record in the 9,583 meters, previously owned by Bertha Rogers well in Oklahoma. But the Soviet leadership that was not enough - scientists had reached the depths 15 km.

Dmitrij Saburow

"On the way to the bowels of the earth, scientists made an unexpected discovery: so they were able to predict earthquakes based on unusual sounds from the well. At a depth of 3 thousand meters in the layers of the lithosphere was detected substance, nearly identical to the material from the lunar surface. After 6 thousand meters was discovered gold. However, scientists are increasingly worried about the fact that the deeper they penetrate, the higher the temperature, impeded the progress of work, - The article says. In contrast to preliminary calculations, the temperature was at 100 degrees Celsius and 180.

Dmitrij Saburow

Dmitrij Saburow

Around the same time rumors that at a depth of 14 km of the drill suddenly went from side to side - a sign that he had fallen into a giant cavity. Temperature in the zone of rolls over a thousand degrees, and after the shaft was lowered thermo-in microphone for recording the movement of lithospheric plates, the drillers have heard chilling sounds. First, they took them for the sounds of malfunctioning equipment running, but then, after the equipment has been adjusted, their worst suspicions were confirmed. Sounds reminiscent of the cries and moans of thousands of martyrs, the article says.

Dmitrij Saburow

"Where exactly is this legend has its origins, Unknown until now, "- continues the author. For the first time in English, it was announced in 1989, U.S. television broadcast Trinity Broadcasting Network, which took the story from the report of the Finnish newspapers. Kola ultradeep well became known as "the road to hell." Stories funky drillers printed Finnish and Swedish newspapers - they claimed that "Russian release the demons from hell." Drilling operations have been stopped - they explained the lack of funding. At the direction top of the drill rig should blame - but the money was not enough and that.

Source: Der Spiegel Translation


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