Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Constant Headaches After Palsy

Secret Army soldiers killing Craiova

Announced sensational document about 600 fighters "Home Army", whose fate remained unknown: we now know that in 1945, dealt with Soviet counterintelligence.

Fot. Agnieszka Sadowska / Agencj

This document, published in his book "Under the scenario of Stalin," Russian historian Nikita Petrov, a detailed Plan of war crime: the urgent elimination of prisoners without trial. This is one of the tragic pages of recent Polish history. In July 1945 46,000 Red Army soldiers and units of the NKVD in support of the people's militia, the Office of Public Safety and the detachment of folk in the Polish army during the two weeks dosed Augustow, Suwalki and part of Sokolsky District. They hunted in the forests and villages, the guerrillas of the Civil Home Army "(the national liberation organization that emerged after the dissolution of the AC), which controlled the area, destroying the functionaries of the Soviet Union imposed on the authorities and by attacking the Soviet transport echelons.

Fot. Agnieszka Sadowska / Agencj

This raid has remained in history as the "August". 7,049 people were arrested and thrown into the camp, organized by the Soviet military counter-intelligence SMERSH. Most were soon freed, but the trail 592 Poles had been lost. For decades they have tried to find relatives. Requests find out their fate yielded nothing. Back in 1994, the Russian Chief Military Prosecutor's Office informed the Polish Embassy in Moscow that "their fate is unknown." Russian prosecutors, however, made it clear that materials on this topic exist. On the basis of "analysis" of documents they found that only five of Missing were a team, and the rest were privates.

secret 66-year-old only just managed to open Nikita Petrov - Deputy Chairman of the Memorial, which is engaged in documenting the crimes of communism. The archives of the former KGB, successor to the NKVD, he found a document that black and white proof that fighters "Home Army" killed and buried in the forest a special battalion of soldiers SMERSH. 21 July 1945, Colonel-General Viktor Abakumov, the head of military counter-intelligence, sent a secret coded message to Marshal of the Soviet Union Laurentia Beria - the head of the NKVD. He reported that as a result of completed around the town of Augustow raids in the hands of its people were left 592 "bandits."

Abakumov wrote that on the orders of Beria in the city of Moscow Olecko "In order to eliminate those arrested in the August forest bandits" had already arrived, Major-General Gorgon with a team counterintelligence. Encryption is a plan for mass executions on the model of Katyn massacre of 1940. "During the operation will take all possible steps to prevent escape of any of the bandits. For this purpose, in addition to a detailed briefing soldiers, the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest, where the operation will be conducted prior to its start will be surrounded by a cordon and carefully combed "- wrote Abakumov. Shooting will produce "a battalion of troops SMERSH, already proved by us in many operations Counterintelligence. "

Murder of Poles led by Gorgon and Lieutenant-General Pavel Zelenin, the head of counterintelligence 3rd Belorussian Front. "Both - experienced good security officers who will perform this task ", - assured Abakumov, referring to Beria's asking to order. Abakumov was known for his cruelty, he he loved his own tortured under interrogation. In 1946 he became minister of state security, and eight years later, after Stalin's death and Beria's execution, was shot in Leningrad. The document does not clarify one thing: where in the Poles were killed. Petrov believes that the answer can be found in the archives of the FSB (the KGB's successor). "Gorgon Zelenin, and after the transaction had in fact submitted a report on the implementation of the problem and inform the authorities where they cracked down on militants AK ", - said Gazeta Wyborcza Nikita Petrov.

Ivan Gorgon - while serving in the KGB since 1928. In 1954, sacked and demoted as the compromised themselves during the service and therefore unworthy to wear the rank of general. " He died in 1994. Pavel Zelenin - security officer since 1929. Arrested during the life of Stalin for steal the spoils of war. In 1954, demoted as "compromised themselves during the service, and therefore unworthy to wear the rank of general." He died in 1960.

Original publication: Tajny mord na AK Translation inosmi.ru


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