Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Early Pikachu

As in the Soviet Union fought against prostitution

55 years ago, in 1956, the party and the government attended to the problem of rapid expansion prostitution.

Photo: RGAKFD / Rosinform. In the study of ulcers of the bourgeois past Soviet scientists did not get tired of this study socialist of prostitutes.

"Shoot and print hundreds of prostitutes"

Who would have argued that neither, but prostitution existed in Russia since the beginning of times, and no measures to combat it, from corporal punishment to perpetual exile in Siberia, did not bring any significant results. Demand is determined proposal, the place of some exiled or cast in factory work obscene women and girls invariably occupied by other. The only change is the scope of the process. In places, where going to a lot of workers sent to the latrines and crafts in the city without their families, there are serious demand. And during the various crises and wars it was time to offer the widest. Newspaper "Exchange Gazette November 9, 1916 reported:

" During the Great War, as a rule, the number of explicit prostitutes decreases and the number of secret sharply ... A thousand different social, physiological and other causes of clandestine prostitutes in Russia are now at war not legion (if legion!), and probably a whole army of several million. Taking into account the number of "army" of prostitutes, it is easy to imagine the evil that brings prostitution is not only individuals but also society and the state. We all know perfectly well that our people and our intellectuals degenerated on the basis not only of alcoholism and tuberculosis, but to a large extent and sexually transmitted diseases. "

In this form the problem of prostitution inherited Bolshevik seizure of power, which perforce had to be taken for its decision. At that time applied the methods of struggle, unthinkable in the pre-revolutionary era. For example, Lenin, August 9, 1918 sent the chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial council which later became George Fedorov famous message:

"In the Lower clearly preparing whiteguard rebellion. We must make every effort, to make the three dictators ... immediately restore massive terror, shoot and print hundreds of prostitutes, drunkards soldiers, former officers of the ... No time to delay ... We have to act at all: the massive raids, shootings for possession of weapons, the mass removal of the Mensheviks and unreliable ... Change security at depots, supply reliable ...".

Often the Soviet regime fell in with another extreme: the priestesses of love were trying to re-educate and instil in them the basics right, of proletarian consciousness. Here are all the results reforging prostitutes to put it mildly, not entirely consistent with ongoing efforts. In 1922, the student of the Institute of Red Professors I. Litvinov wrote in his diary:

"2 am ... I found myself on Tverskaya ... In the sea of \u200b\u200blights buried cafe selling briskly throughout the night. They sing, play and dance. Fun ... Around them, huddled on the sidewalk prostitutes loser, until late at night have not found buyers of their caresses. "

not helped the fight against prostitution and the theory of free love among the followers of which initially There were many senior and ordinary and Bolshevik bolshevichek and sympathizers from the ranks of ideological and related classes. Here are just a result of this process for the considerable number of women became pregnant, abortion or raising children born alone. So that pretty quickly became women's mass "Omeschanivatsya, and they are accustomed to a variety of partners switched to prostitutes.

"Then die prostitution in the Great Land in October"

number of Soviet officials and police officers, the issue of trade body referred to the proper ideological positions on a purely consumer, has been steadily grew. A sentence, which relied on Soviet law for the organization of brothels and prostitution differed unparalleled softness. July 4, 1922 Pravda reported:

"July 2 in a special session Sovnarsuda begun hearing the case against GG Komarova, Morozova and Kusurinoy in the content of brothels and exploitation of women. In the same case involved a number of staff Krasnopresnenskiy District Council and used. Head of the 18 th Police Department on charges of bribery and extortion ... According to the disclosure of the indictment the court proceeds to examine Kusurinoy, is among the "pansionerok" containing Komarova fun house. As she and others lived in the house the girls were in complete subjection to the mistress: they had no right to take in the evening my friends and go without asking where else. Kusurina says that sitting on a dock worker Krasnopresnenskiy Parschikov District Council came to her drunk and threatened to arrest her, demanded that she gave him. After the owner refused to protect her, the witness had to obey Parschikovu. Further, the witness indicates that the former head of the 18 th of the police station she met in the theater Nezlobin, and then she had it been a few times. It turns out that a former police chief, in contrast to other visitors who did not pay money to visit a content Komarova and Morozova, "board".

A sentence was to be expected:

"After a long meeting - reported" The Truth "July 6, 1922 - the court passes sentence, according to which gr. Komarova sentenced to 1 1 / 2 years in prison, and gr. Morozov to 1 year. With respect to gr. Kusurinoy court decided to consider for her sufficient time pretrial detention and release her from custody. Former head of the 18 th Police Department Grozdin ... recognized by the court warranted. "

To explain failures in the fight against prostitution, not to mention at this truth, the Bolshevik ideology had to resort to raising a variety of verbal structures. As published in 1925 brochure about the anti-prostitution said:

"What can we do to fight in the name of the fight against prostitution? Must start from the core. Death to the bourgeoisie, the death of capitalism - that's basic. And where that death has not come yet, no real fight against prostitution is not conceivable, because there it is included in the laws of "nature" and, consequently, on States to put an ... Soviet power since the earliest days of its existence and decided to put up end the question of the legal status of women ... New full-citizen status of women, normalized by the law protecting women's labor, wage equation gap between men and women, maternity protection and economic consolidation of the new cultural life, based on the collectivization of workers - this is the first and the basic premise of our Soviet combat prostitution. The second prerequisite to solving this social problem is, of course, full elimination of unemployment. It is not without interest to note that until 1921, when by virtue of existing universal labor service in the Soviet Republic there was no unemployment, began to disappear and prostitution. Remained, of course, single, professional prostitutes, but they became far less and, as such, They brought along with other unearned element, avoid work, as deserters working for compulsory labor service. "

remained explain why, after the abolition of war communism and the introduction of the NEP has become prostitutes many times more. And here to help ideological workers again came unemployment.

"new economic policy - mentioned in the same brochure - the only correct way for the ship's first voyage Workers of the world, surrounded by countless class enemies could not but cause some unemployment in the country as a rigorous and sustained economic calculation was closely associated with a significant downsizing of the state apparatus, which caused partial unemployment. Temporarily, until This second prerequisite for the elimination of prostitution have not, but she is born, and certainly will grow in the process of our economic growth, in the process restoration and renovation of our vast national economy. And then die prostitution in the Great Land in October, because of its roots would not quite. "

Photo: RGAKFD / Rosinform. From the focus of a new proletarian culture dorm quickly turned into a hotbed of prostitution old regime type.

"Dormitories are centers of prostitution"

It turned out that after the elimination of prostitution in the USSR, the NEP must disappear, and this time, finally, and about this countless times written all Soviet publications. However, nothing of the sort happened. In January 1929, when the NEP was already in full liquidated without asked to sign a person is sent a letter to the People's Commissar of Education, Anatoly Lunacharsky stating:

"write about prostitution in Germany, but perhaps we have gone prostitution? None. Each club, school, summer in parks, gardens or parks, etc., dissolved, pale, infected youth: consumption, anemia etc. Perpetrators of you bastards. Especially you, Commissariat, the culprit. "

Power, of course, immediately tried to blame others. In the same 1929 in bibliotechke "Burning Questions" published a study on the Soviet prostitution, saying that some prostitutes, once begun, can not stop, despite to changing social conditions:

"539 Moscow prostitutes interviewed about the duration of training in their profession, the vast majority of cases pointed to the years of NEP as the beginning of its activities. This unusually high percentage of prostitutes in NEP experience as opposed to an insignificant number of women began to engage in prostitution since the early years of the revolution, says a lot. He says that during the revolution with their moral elevation, liberation of the woman and its involvement in the process of productive work was brought to a minimum the number of prostitutes. These figures beat like a hammer. They say that the NEP, with its temptations and unemployment is a major factor in prostitution. "

However, in this same publication gave instructions Komsomol organizations to strengthen the fight prostitution. They proposed strike by consumers of sex services, especially among the leading Soviet workers. And draws attention the fact that some girls who do not have enough money for clothes, get what they want new things, trading is:

"can not exclude the possibility that some girls were workers and we have a penny in Leningrad on your clothes covert prostitution. "

Komsomol leader offered to pay close attention to new hotbeds of prostitution, where they lived like amateurs updated:

"Particular attention Komsomol cells, groups and committees necessary to bring to dorms adolescent girls, since very often they are centers of prostitution. At the heart of the proletarian Leningrad, Moscow-Narva area rayzdravotdel examined the dormitory, and the picture, outlining a result of the survey makes very seriously ponder over the situation in which sometimes the workers live girls. At the time of the survey at the hostel were 75 girls aged 15 to 19 years, most of whom worked in factories. Medical examination revealed that all the girls who live in the dormitory, except for two or three, are deprived of virginity. Indiscipline and licentiousness hostel inmates led to the fact that even the janitor ran away because he was allegedly "almost raped". Life flows in dorm nightmarish conditions. Eternally half-starved girls for a piece of bread ready to scratch each other's eyes. "

It somehow did not mention that at low salary of girls in the response is not the world bourgeoisie, a native Soviet power, which nothing in their economic situation was not going to change. Instead, attempts to introduce some penalties for prostitutes and users of their services:

"in 1933 - wrote the historian Natalie Lebina - Bureau of Leningrad City Komsomol Committee was forced to adopt a special decision on the fight against sexually transmitted diseases among young workers. The decision asked to "bring some Komsomol Komsomol to liability, as well as criminal for promiscuity," and moreover, "particularly strengthen the fight against sexual promiscuity in dorms industrial enterprises ".

In the end it turned out that it is easier to forget about the issue of prostitution than to solve it. Soviet newspapers and magazines endlessly repeating that prostitution was defeated and the plague of society exists only in the decaying capitalism. And so, what is not, you can not fight. Such an alignment acceptable to everyone, including prostitutes.

"For both got to 30 rubles."

about prostitutes from time to time mentioned in the police documents, but far more often used the term "women of easy virtue", "leading an immoral lifestyle," etc. etc. That's only the middle of 1950 the problem has grown so much that it was hushed up pretty hard. In September 1956 the 9 th Chief of Criminal Investigation Police department of Leningrad M. Bogdanov has prepared detailed information about prostitution in the "cradle of revolution":

"By holding special events, as well as by personal investigation and operational monitoring has been established:

I. The main places where prostitutes gathered for a meeting and dating men, are: a) Seating yard from the Sadovaya street (gallery), b) Catherine Gardens, a) Garden Leisure, r) restaurants, "Metropol", "North", "Moscow" "Baltica" and others, the district of the Moscow Railway Station, Square Square Uprising, as well as several other places in town.

II. Some part of the above-mentioned number of women is a professional prostitutes (especially among the not prescribed in the mountains. Leningrad) and the material there is on the money received as payment from men for committing sexual intercourse. This amount of money varies from 25 to 100 rubles. depending on the exterior of a prostitute (age, clothing) as well as the conditions in which committed sexual acts. "

Employees Leningrad CID established and classified all the meeting places of prostitutes with clients:

"For committing sexual acts with men, prostitutes enjoy:

a) special apartments - brothels, for which he paid a sum of money (10-30 rubles). Hostess or treat stash. For example, in June 1956 at a restaurant Metropol was arrested while drunk prostitute Kamyshnikova Nina, born in 1932, living in Vsevolzhsk area, does not work in 1952, engaged in prostitution since 1952. For cohabiting with men she enjoyed the den, where g-ka Andreeva Olga Andreyevna, 1898 year of birth, disability group II, which took over the provision of rooms for 15 rubles. with the pair. This hangout than Kamyshnikova visited other prostitutes as Lozareva, Berezina, etc. Now there is a brothel owner in the country;

b) its facilities, in which they are registered and reside. For example, in July 1956 in the arcade was installed prostitute Plehnevich Elizabeth Ivanovna, born in 1915, does not work, has a daughter born in 1939. Plehnevich acquainted with men in the arcade and brings them to his apartment for sexual intercourse takes 50 rub. So she ... brought to my gr. Guzovskogo Viktor Adamovich, 1922, year of birth, member of the Communist Party, an engineer at the Institute of Advanced Medical, which paid her for sexual intercourse 50 rubles. except in this case established a number of men, whom she also were brought to his apartment. Aug. 10 obtained data that Plehnevich gonorrhea. These data are confirmed, and Plehnevich preparing material for her arrest under Art. 150 of the Criminal Code;

in) apartment the men who lead to their prostitutes (especially in summer months of June-August). For example, 2 June 1956 in the arcade have been seen two girls who met with two and men marched together to the address on the street. Dzerzhinsky, where after 40 minutes the girl came out, were arrested and were: Catherine V. Batalov, born in 1936, works on the 1 st dairy, and Karnaukhova Terentievna Hope, born in 1934, operates at 1-m milk factory, which revealed that they had in the arcade met with two men and to cohabitation have gone to them in the apartment, where at the same time in one room made a sexual act, for which both received 30 rub. ...

d) suburban parks and outlying parts of the city, where people come by taxi and public transport. For example, July 24, 1956 prostitute Zubkov Olga Nikolaevna Born in 1936, with no fixed residence and employment, met at the Moscow railway station with the group. Gavrin and a taxi drove into the Udelnaya park for sexual intercourse, where the drink of vodka, made a sexual act, and when Gavrin drunk and fell asleep, Zubkov robbed him and fled. Now delayed and arrested;

e) parade of homes, stairs and courtyards of the deaf. For example, July 4, 1956 at 15 o'clock, in the arcade prostitute Ilyina Larisa, Born in 1937, does not work, met with the group. Aronov Izrailevich Leo, born in 1920, works in the collective farm "working chemist, have agreed to commit sexual intercourse, to this end came on a ladder at home N 32 on the embankment. River Embankment, where he committed the sexual act, for which he paid Aronov Ilyina 15 rubles. Ilyin said that she on the stairs of the house goes systematically during the day, since the dark stairs and it goes a little people;

Photo: RGAKFD / Rosinform.

e) vehicles Taxi, in which commit sexual acts while driving on the city or the suburbs, where the driver exits the car at the time of intercourse. For example, prostitutes Baklanova Zinaida Konstantinova, 1924 goda birthday, harvest. goroda Leningrad prozhivala Professor of Tosno not work Babikova Nina Nikolaevna, 1921 goda birth of the crop. the city of Leningrad, lived VO, July 22, 1956 committed the sexual act in the car of state. taxis during sexual intercourse committed theft money from your pocket at the citizen in the Polish drug. Republic Kotetskogo Yuzeva, 1922 birth of the crop. City Ravitch - Poland, where he performed sexual intercourse with Baklanov Babikova pulled out 1,800 rubles. money. At Baklanov 3. K. Babikova N. criminal case, both arrested and detained. "

Police also carefully analyzed the social position of prostitutes in Leningrad. However, they set about drafting a similar document for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was not of interest to statistics. Employees of criminal investigation and a police chief in Leningrad Hero of the Soviet Union's Commissioner of Police 3rd grade Ivan Solovyov literally painted in his helplessness. In generalizing the help of the fight against anti-social elements, prepared in the same September 1956 and signed by Solovyov said:

"There are over 600 women involved in prostitution. Of the 40,5% of prostitutes have a domicile, but does not work, 37.3% have a residence and work and 25,3% are without any definite occupation and place of residence. The fight against prostitution more difficult, since no legislative provisions on criminal responsibilities of women engaged in prostitution, as well as to individuals, promoting them to do so, no. Used by police officers and the public method beliefs yielding positive results only in small part, and has been shown to work, can not serve as a crucial tool in the fight against prostitution, covering more and more women, including young people. "

"detained 278 women of easy virtue"

Leningrad police offered attract prostitutes kept a room with which they enjoyed, to criminal liability. But how to punish for something that there is no and can not be? Following discussions in December 1956 the position of the Passport to add paragraph about what women in prostitution, and repeatedly detained for it is the police, should be expelled from Moscow and Leningrad. Also in areas with a special passport regime banned settle all previous conviction for the content of brothels and pimping. However, the problem is not solved.

January 31, 1957 at the commission meeting Legislative Proposals of the Council of the Union and the Council Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, where a draft law "On strengthening the struggle against anti-social, parasitical elements", there was dispute between the secretary of the commission MG Kirichenko and member of the commission NI Kurbatov. In the transcript of the meeting said:

"Kirichenko. ... It was agreed to in the Act include responsibility for vagrancy, begging and prostitution. Again, there was difficulty: how to talk about prostitution, we have repeatedly stated in the press that we have prostitution does not exist. So we decided to speak publicly only about vagrancy and begging, prostitution and hid the formula for "those who violate the standards of socialist."

Kurbatov. This is not good. Violation of the rules of socialist - Is committing immoral acts, which are not punishable by the Penal Code.

Kirichenko. Maybe really should return to this question again. "

While legislators were trying to get out of difficult situation, the police tried to punish the prostitutes, so to speak, for adjacent to their main activities of the offense. Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Dudorov reported to the Central Committee:

"Police in Moscow have increased efforts to seize women of easy virtue. In this paper we take an active part Komsomol headquarters and units, and brigades of militia support. Only for Quarter III In 1958 for visiting rooms at hotels, where there are foreign tourists and Soviet citizens, as well as annoying solicitation and on the forecourt of the city of Moscow have been detained 278 women of easy virtue. When testing revealed that of 278 191 women detainees live in the city Moscow, 52 reside in different districts of Moscow region and 35 were residents of other cities. Those detained included women 98 nowhere to work or study, 17 were students of colleges and universities. Of the women of easy virtue who were detained in the III quarter of this year, eight people were arrested for breach of passport, nine people on the basis of Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 10, 1956 1578 N-796s removed from the city of Moscow and Moscow region and 42 people prosecuted for disorderly conduct under the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of 19 December 1956.

Minister cited, and specific examples of cases where prostitutes turned into huliganok:

"on July 26 this year in 2 hours and 30 minutes for the perpetration of acts of hooliganism has been delayed Bukareva GT, born in 1934, without any definite occupation, living in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow region, which, after drinking alcohol the hotel cafe "Ukraine" to familiarize themselves pestered aliens create noise, foul words. Bukareva prosecuted for disorderly conduct.

September 22 this year in 1 hour and 15 minutes near the restaurant of hotel "Moscow" has been delayed Gordeeva Alla S., born 1940, did not work, and Kostyukova Vera G., born in 1940, a dressmaker studio, which, being drunk in a restaurant sit down at tables to foreigners. Restaurant workers to the comment they respond to rudeness, and when removed from the restaurant's foul words. Gordeeva and Kostyukova prosecuted for disorderly conduct.

for cohabitation with foreigners have repeatedly delayed Eremtseva Valentine Matveyevna, 1941 birth, which is nowhere to be studying and not working, is dependent on the mother, lives in the city of Khimki. All educational measures have been applied towards her Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow and Moscow region, no positive results given. Eremtseva continued to visit the facilities hotels where foreigners live, regularly engaged in prostitution, contracted a venereal disease. October 10 this year, when exiting the hotel room Metropole, where he lived Finnish tourists Laaksonen, she was arrested and taken to a police office. In his written explanation Eremtseva cynical indicated that for committing sexual intercourse with men, it takes 200 rubles. October 13 this year Eremtseva was again arrested on Sverdlov Square for bullying and arrested for it for 15 days. "

However, such tricks bordering on violation sotszakonnosti, and the results were given minimal. So that the police preferred to evicting prostitutes law under the provisions of the Passport. The results in this case, however, left much to be desired. For the whole 1959 of thousands of Moscow prostitutes managed to evict 29, and the first half of 1960 only two.

Photo: RGAKFD / Rosinform. During the hot contact with foreigners since 1961, could send in a very distant and cold parts of the USSR.

Only after the adoption in 1961 of the decree "On strengthening the struggle against the persons evading socially useful work and leading anti-social parasitic way of life "(see" To inspire useful fear "in N 16 in 2011) began to punish prostitutes is enough sternly, referring to very distant places. Minister of Justice of the RSFSR VA Boldyrev, July 19, 1961 reported to the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR:

"10 June 1961 the People's Court Zhdanov district of Moscow ruled the eviction of three years on the basis of the Decree of 4 May 1961 Nazarova Raisa Denisovna. Nazarov, R. D., born in 1938, alone, after nine years of high school in March 1956 began to work 2-conductor of the bus fleet. In April 1957, Nazarov withdrew from this work, and then changing a few other places in March 1961 does not work anywhere. In fact, since 1956, Nazarov engaged in prostitution, in part, and recognized at the hearing. "

When in 1965 a decree was, in fact, been canceled, again began to rehabilitate prostitutes. In some cities, hung colorful wall newspaper, which usually was painted half-naked woman, placed on a shame, the place for her work and home address. So that the population Confused about how there is prostitution in the Soviet Union or not, it was difficult to understand this visual propaganda or advertising.



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