Monday, May 23, 2011

How To Make Home Made Rod

Reservations politicians - George W. Bush

AP. "The only thing I am very sorry that I can not do more run. This is one of the saddest aspects of the presidency. "

AP. Most often, "reservation" the president is laughable, but it also happens that Bush's errors lead to catastrophic consequences. In February 2002, during a visit to Japan, the U.S. president mistook "devaluation" with "deflation" What caused panic on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Speaking to reporters, Bush said he will discuss with Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi, the possibility of devaluation yen. Immediately after the announcement of President Japanese brokers have begun to urgently get rid of the national currency. From the collapse of the stock exchange was only saved application assistant to Bush, who said the president once again "misspoke."

AP. "The bulk of our imports come in foreign countries."

AP. "This is definitely included in the budget plan - there is generally a lot of numbers and points."

AP. "We passed a good meeting of the Authority, which Minister of Defense and Secretary of State told us about our desire to spread democracy around the world. "

AP. "We need to protect their homeland of our country."

AP. "We are ready to work with both parties to reduce the level of terror to an acceptable".

AP. "Laura and I often do not notice what are the smart our children are still not getting the data of objective analysis. "

AP. "We are the most generous country in the world. We are very generous. I am proud the fact that we are so generous. But despite our generosity, we should not brag about their generosity. "

AP. At the Congress, the Republican Party in City of Nashville in May 2004, the President presented the following delegates to his friend Senator Bill First: "I would like to thank my friend Senator First, because he has joined us today. You know, he married a girl from Texas. I want you to be greeted her: Karen - it is the same simple Texas girl like me. "

AP. However, the most terrible "reservation" in the history of policy made in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan. Speaking on live radio, he said: "I have decided to declare Russia an outlaw. Bombing will begin in five minutes. " When the panic among the population subsided, the press service of the White House explained: the president joked. Reagan was just a "trained" to live and did not know that the microphone is included.

AP. Error by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, was that he mistook Peru and Venezuela, speaking at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Affairs. In its speech he said that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez does not represent the future of Latin America and the people of Peru deserves a better leader.



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