Monday, May 30, 2011

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Was it possible to preserve the USSR

December 8, 1991, in the former hunting residence of the CPSU Central Committee "Viskuly" agreements have been signed, Bialowieza. Did not end only Soviet, but also the imperial period of Russian history. Citizens, furious bursts of anxious and the upcoming January 1 holiday prices, historical event almost did not notice. Only the Democratic Party of Nicholas Travkina held in Moscow thin rally in defense of the Union. Most of the time it seemed, that builds up another politico-linguistic construct and a single state, of course, will not go anywhere.

Death Certificate

In the New Year's Eve and Michael Alexander Shirvindt Derzhavin offered to announce a competition for the best name of the country - "Esengoviya", "Esengovschina" or else what? They did not know that the country now called Russia, no other no more and never will. Relate to the collapse of the Soviet Union can be different. Vladimir Putin described the incident as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the XX century, and Mikhail Saakashvili - the happiest event in his life. The main question that and worries of all: Was there then a real opportunity to preserve a unified state? Member of the Russian delegation in the Bialowieza Forest Sergei Shakhrai In an interview compared Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich with doctors who have issued a certificate of death - the family to bury deceased, to divide the inheritance, and in general as something to live on.

The opposite opinion was expressed by the former commander of airborne troops, later "Defense Minister" in-lived less than two weeks, "the government," Alexander Rutskoi, Vladislav Achalov. It would suffice to a telephone message with the Arbat Square, once he said that the Soviet generals who led military district, was arrested "so-called presidents, and brought order. The man from the opposing camp, a Democrat Gavriil Popov, also convinced that Mikhail Gorbachev "had no trouble to throw at the Bialowieza Forest Landing regiment. "

Many believe the main reason for the collapse of the USSR personal enmity of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. But the fall of 1991 feet chair union president rasp, not only Yeltsin. If at the resumed at Novo-Ogarevo negotiating the remaining chapters republics firmly supported Gorbachev and a single Union, Boris Yeltsin would give a collective will. The newspaper "Soviet Russia" and "Tomorrow" offers the simplest explanation: presidents, gathered in "Viskuly" commit follies, fascinated by the Belarusian "Zubrovka. However, the reason should rather be sought not in alcohol, and oil.

Simply bankruptcy

After "Gulf War" in early 1991, world prices for the main subject of Soviet exports fell from 30 to 19.7 dollars per barrel. Due to lack of currency import In 1991 fell by 43 percent, causing the consumer market, and without that are not different abundance toughest deficit. Each ruble on hand was provided by public goods priced at 14 cents and trading at the market is still called "speculation." Government purchases of grain as compared to 1990 year dropped by one third, because farms do not want to sell products for the depreciating U.S. Dollars. In September-December 1991, the USSR had to pay foreign creditors $ 17 billion, and expected revenues from exports accounted for seven and a half billion. Such financial condition simply called bankruptcy. Credit in the West was closed.

In October, were first published previously secret information about the size of the gold reserve of the USSR. He was 240 tons, to the amazement of foreign experts estimated it at 1000-1300 tons. As recalled in the book "The collapse of the empire," Yegor Gaidar, who in December was nothing to pay even for chartering vessels which have been previously purchased to transport grain. "The State Bank has closed all payments: Army officials us sinners. Remain unpaid. Vneshtorgbank declares itself bankrupt. He had nothing to pay for stay abroad naschih Representatives - home not on what is to come "- recorded in the diary Gorbachev aide Anatoly Chernyaev.

What do I do next?

If the political will to preserve the Soviet Union was possible. The problem was that no one knew what to do next. The only one with something decided, was Yeltsin. Good or bad "shock therapy" in Gaidar, a real alternative leave prices at the time were either military communism, requisitioning and cards, or hunger, cold and stop transport is already coming winter. The Kremlin has prevailed Opinion: radical economic reforms in Russia, then met fierce resistance, as if still negotiate each step with Kiev and Tashkent, in general nothing can be done.

leadership of the republic has decided: if Russia begins and we step aside and see what happens. History of the Soviet collapse is in memory of the famous phrase that Bill Clinton made the main slogan of his campaign: "It's the economy, queer!". Here in today's Russia: Energy of the road, production increases, the ruble grows stronger - and the government fears neither its own problems, not someone else's machinations.



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