Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fever With Rash 3 Month Old Baby

Something else from the Sakharov

RIA Novosti / Scanpix

May 21, 2011 would have turned 90 years of Academician Andrei Sakharov. Everyone knows that this is a Nobel laureate, a brilliant scientist, a fighter for human rights, and besides - the author of the terrible of the hydrogen bomb, then realized the absolutely devastating (and for society and for the spirit of) the meaning of his invention. Still, this is not important, because there is "something else" ...

I will start from afar. Sinemafily well aware of "Something More," absolutely "stupid" Woody Allen. There are two main characters. The first - a young man, now and then separated and re-converging with my girlfriend and simultaneously seeking answers to global questions of life. In searching for it ever meets her older friend, a man aged (played by Woody Allen himself), in the most unexpected moments that gay travelers subject somewhere in the luxury car, then walking along the avenue of the park and instantly patter explaining the young man all his earthly problems. In general, would have been an ordinary comedy, if not one "but." Each monologue hero Woody Allen completed the classically: they say, this is not important, my young friend. "You see, there's something else ..." - Woody Allen said, and again evaporated in a crowded Manhattan.

And now, kind of like a friend. Existence exiled Sakharov I learned only in 1988, in the penultimate year of his life. I was then 16 years. Frankly, that's when I saw the academician of the TV, I covertly torturing ordinary Soviet question: "Well, no, that he want it?" And at some point with the filing of academician came to the conclusion that simple things in life "Something else".

Trite but true: almost every one of us tries to go through life for most ordinary way, trying to get as far as possible maximum success - at work, career and personal life. And then suddenly in front of me in the TV people, who all seemed to be. There was, sorry for the narrow-minded details, giving a luxurious apartment, the car is good, three stars of Hero of Socialist Labor, numerous awards and nomenclature of benefits, including (I'm writing for jokes!) Tickets to the various theaters with 100% discount. Quite cynical modern parlance, an academician was packed for the full program! I think many of his contemporaries can also specify a philistine question: "Why should he be enough?" And that's true: if you want sugar could thrive - you see, and would be alive today. Fortunately, his colleague, Academician Yuli Chariton (also three times a Hero, etc.) died not too long ago at the age of 92 years.

really strange: for example, in the year of his death, 1989, when there were elections of People's Deputies of the USSR, academician could safely elected from any district. But he went to the polls on a rather complex social organization - USSR Academy of Sciences, where the election is guaranteed to go was not ... And all because they are in the world "something else". It's unfortunate that this "something else", most of us think or boundless naivete or, worse yet, strangeness. I think any of today's major political leaders accept with a smile at something about children's Sakharov thesis that we must all live in the world. No bombs, no pollution of nature. Helping the poor in Africa and save the "civilized" nations of urbanization. Why, it's almost September, Simonov's utopia! Kampanellovsky or "City of the Sun." Or does "something else"?

In my opinion, the main achievement Andrei Sakharov - his appeal to the intellectual (that intellectual!) freedom of the individual and society as a whole. What he is quite easy to understand and said in his Nobel lecture, "Peace, Progress and Human Rights:" Only in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom is possible an effective system of education and creative continuity between generations. On the contrary, intellectual unfreedom, the power of dull bureaucracy, conformity, destroying first the humanitarian field knowledge, art and literature, then inevitably lead to a general intellectual decline, bureaucratization and formalization of the whole educational system, to the decline research, the disappearance of the atmosphere of creative search, to stagnation and decay. "

I think that phrase is relevant at all times. Look, dear readers around him - to relatives, colleagues, bosses at the office, the leadership of the state. And the answer yourself the question, are free if you're intellectually and the people around you. If you answered yes, then you do nothing scary - no taboos, no humiliation, no persecution, torture or even physicians, such that endured Sakharov in Gorky, where he was exiled after a lone academic protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. If you can not answer this question affirmatively, then maybe you should not know that there is "something else"?

Andrew Shavrov


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