Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Schoalrship For Having A Lazy Eye

Do Nortenos And Bloods Get Along

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These goats have quite oborzeli - make that want, as a feeling of complete impunity.
main objective is - to achieve the inevitability of punishment for each kid and his kids.
To resolve the issue needed to goat:
1. first of all goats must be rewritten;
2. then identify the criminal connections between them;
3. work on each goat, regardless of the statute of limitations and the location of both the fascist criminals;
4. deal with them accordingly.
- Power the whole rotten, kept on bare ponta, and just because nobody has touched.
- Wherever you spit - or a thief or a prostitute.
- Army command vice. Director of a furniture store.
- Militia commanded zadrochenny teachers in rural schools, the son of the camp of the Gulag.
- The FSB were left alone assholes like Lugovoi and Litvinenko.
- Two inflated Petersburg Gandon do not decide anything, we need to then turn into the next scapegoat.
Current events
Expiration 12 to 15 hours
Moscow, METALLURGY., 32, building 1, kv.59, tel . 1769963.
picket near the house where the journalist lives Podrabinek Alexander Pinhosovich 08/08/1953.
Spends Nashi "www.nashi.su
(doing things right, you need to hold pickets at their place of residence the offender rather than a monument AS Pushkin)
the start of spring conscription. Goats scare evaders criminal liability and real terms. Well let them try to plant 200 thousand people in the spring, and 300 thousand in the autumn. Total 500 thousand people per year to add 900 thousand already seated.
chump, now capitalism in Russia, the army protects the thief, the oligarchs and the capitalist system, push the rotten propaganda about defend the homeland fucking , patriotism shit , Forward, Russia! fucking on Rublevsky highway or dial mercenaries from Ukrainians, Tajiks and Kyrgyz, once they provide jobs, but local residents have sent to the dick. Speak Russian did not want to work caretakers for 20 tysch rub.? But to serve in the army of bourgeois and even for free so they no longer want.
All females who send the agenda and hold a round-send a country of eternal hunt.
Afraid of Americans such as Borodin PP Kobzon and ID, which it cleaned anus, and the simple Russian people will meet NATO soldiers as liberators.
bourgeois power left 40,000 residents without electricity suburbs, and themselves a rest abroad (12.25.2010, Moscow reg.)
bourgeois power left several thousand residents of the Kalinin region. without electricity, and themselves a rest abroad (02/01/2011, Kalinin Region.)
In December in the Moscow snow. For them, damn, this is an emergency. Inflated Gandon pushes some garbage about the division of responsibilities between federal and regional authorities.
I am surprised that being a whole month without electricity because of razdolbaystva authorities, people did not protest. This is of course their a private matter. If I had the house turned off the light, I tried the next day to collect the neighbors, but even alone weighed pizdyuley would someone from the local administration. Another look at card payments who pay money for housing - they too must answer. Who can not fight, they can walk with a banner "Down with Putin!" , especially since this dolbaeb podmahnul decrees to appoint governors and the "Forest Code".
Upcoming Events
Gorbachev Make a gift from the people / / 31.03.2011
It would be nice to do something that Gorbachev was not to banquets. He must have time to see how to destroy his rat droppings.
• 20.09.2011 rats will gather at the grave Raiski at Novodevichy Cemetery.
refused to serve in the army of bourgeois / / 14.05.2011
public, demonstrative and a massive failure
Fourth Russian Revolution, a revolt / / 05.05.2011
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goats increased utility tariffs. What should I do? / / 30.01.2011
fight against migrant workers / / 05.03.2011
"Vanya" help migrant workers from Azerbaijan! / / 06.03.2011
Who do bourgeois president in 2012 / / 01.05.2011
Russian asshole in the army of bourgeois / / 09.05.2011
Against Homophobia / / 31.05.2011
ROC extremists blew up a statue of Lenin (06/12/2010, Pushkin) / / 30.01.2011
FSB arranged two explosions in the Moscow metro (29.03.2010, Moscow) / / 11.02.2011
Orthodox official "United Russia" Mikhalev offers to shoot the homeless (24/02/2011, Chita) / / 27.02.2011
Over the leaflet "Your car does not belong to you" was sent to the colony (10.03.2011, Kemerovo, Russia) / / 12.03.2011
Aix in Lenin's birthday - we have obtained a ransom for the son of a bourgeois Kaspersky (04.22.2011, Moscow) / / 23.04.2011
Orthodox Bobby otpizdili Orthodox animal Tikhonov (11.03.2009, Moscow)
Appeal homophobes-border (28/04/2011, Moscow)
Pop-Smirnov extremist calls to violence on gays and lesbians (08.05.2011, Moscow)
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promises to support LGBT Communities (5/17/2011, USA)
rally homophobes (21.05.2011, Moscow)
All per share, go abroad! " (28.05.2011, Moscow) / / 29.05.2011
N. Asmolov. Phenomenal Interview of Oleg Deripaska
N. Asmolov. I do not know if it was an interview with Mr Deripaska phenomenal. But fake it was not exactly
I. Serebryakov. A Conversation with Nicholas Asmolov
Petrov. Followed by Poland. Henceforth ... With our blessing?
Markelov. Patriotism as a diagnosis
homophobic Russia / / 27.05.2011
Millionaires 1999 Moscow (0.6 million records)
2000 Moscow millionaires (1 million records)
2001 Moscow millionaires (1 million records)
Millionaires 2002 Moscow (0.6 million records)
2003 Moscow millionaires (1 million records)
2004 Moscow millionaires (1 million records)
Base "notaries" Moscow / / 17.04.2011
Base "lawyers "Moscow / / 16.04.2011
Radio "Russian news service" / / 04.03.2011
government of national trust / / 10.03.2011
Party of National Freedom "For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption," / / 18.03.2011
Safety / / 25.05.2011
Examples of malicious Javascript / / 25.05.2011
VI Lenin. Guerrilla warfare
VI Lenin. Tasks of the Russian Social Democrats
single soldier - the most formidable force against criminals / / 13.02.2011
Tarasov. The world revolution-2
Links (Lenin. The Complete Works, 5 th ed., Html (online + rar))
problems on the service Blogger , available pages:
Regalware-kitchen Pro Breadmaker Parts
poster - Brian Moore & # 1939; s WWIII propaganda posters
Side To The Belly Bottom Pain Means
May 28, 1921: 90 years back communism gave the NEP. Because of this the day we received a new economic policy and the song "Murka".
Bolsheviks, who dreamed of building communism - free paradise where all is complete, quickly realized that after the revolution and civil war, they remained naked and barefoot. On achievements in 1913 once flourishing of the Russian Empire, which still long compared the results of the Soviet Five Year Plans, there is nothing left. In the rebellious years suffered Donbas Baku oil region, the Urals and Siberia, were destroyed by mines. Due to lack of fuel and raw material factories stopped. Vast areas came Border States. The national economy was in need of repair, and 90 years ago, the path to this has been found. The new economic policy has enabled to open private businesses. Issued under this credit. Legitimized wage labor. There were even legal guarantees for private property.
wealthy nepmen not burdened with higher education and sophisticated education, formulated their own fashion for entertainment. Became popular cabarets and restaurants. With pleasure they listened kupletistov, readers humorous anecdotes, sketches, reprises. Light and unpretentious songs became hits. "Bagels," "Lemons", "Murka" "Flashlight", "Turning around, spinning blue ball" popular today. Started and this coffee boom: "Crocodile", "Satyricon," laughers " "Splinter". But by the 1930-mu was only "Crocodile". NEP era has ended ...
Monday, May 30, 2011
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December 8, 1991, in the former hunting residence of the CPSU Central Committee "Viskuly" agreements have been signed, Bialowieza. Did not end only Soviet, but also the imperial period of Russian history. Citizens, furious bursts of anxious and the upcoming January 1 holiday prices, historical event almost did not notice. Only the Democratic Party of Nicholas Travkina held in Moscow thin rally in defense of the Union. Most of the time it seemed, that builds up another politico-linguistic construct and a single state, of course, will not go anywhere.
Death Certificate
In the New Year's Eve and Michael Alexander Shirvindt Derzhavin offered to announce a competition for the best name of the country - "Esengoviya", "Esengovschina" or else what? They did not know that the country now called Russia, no other no more and never will. Relate to the collapse of the Soviet Union can be different. Vladimir Putin described the incident as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the XX century, and Mikhail Saakashvili - the happiest event in his life. The main question that and worries of all: Was there then a real opportunity to preserve a unified state? Member of the Russian delegation in the Bialowieza Forest Sergei Shakhrai In an interview compared Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich with doctors who have issued a certificate of death - the family to bury deceased, to divide the inheritance, and in general as something to live on.
The opposite opinion was expressed by the former commander of airborne troops, later "Defense Minister" in-lived less than two weeks, "the government," Alexander Rutskoi, Vladislav Achalov. It would suffice to a telephone message with the Arbat Square, once he said that the Soviet generals who led military district, was arrested "so-called presidents, and brought order. The man from the opposing camp, a Democrat Gavriil Popov, also convinced that Mikhail Gorbachev "had no trouble to throw at the Bialowieza Forest Landing regiment. "
Many believe the main reason for the collapse of the USSR personal enmity of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. But the fall of 1991 feet chair union president rasp, not only Yeltsin. If at the resumed at Novo-Ogarevo negotiating the remaining chapters republics firmly supported Gorbachev and a single Union, Boris Yeltsin would give a collective will. The newspaper "Soviet Russia" and "Tomorrow" offers the simplest explanation: presidents, gathered in "Viskuly" commit follies, fascinated by the Belarusian "Zubrovka. However, the reason should rather be sought not in alcohol, and oil.
Simply bankruptcy
After "Gulf War" in early 1991, world prices for the main subject of Soviet exports fell from 30 to 19.7 dollars per barrel. Due to lack of currency import In 1991 fell by 43 percent, causing the consumer market, and without that are not different abundance toughest deficit. Each ruble on hand was provided by public goods priced at 14 cents and trading at the market is still called "speculation." Government purchases of grain as compared to 1990 year dropped by one third, because farms do not want to sell products for the depreciating U.S. Dollars. In September-December 1991, the USSR had to pay foreign creditors $ 17 billion, and expected revenues from exports accounted for seven and a half billion. Such financial condition simply called bankruptcy. Credit in the West was closed.
In October, were first published previously secret information about the size of the gold reserve of the USSR. He was 240 tons, to the amazement of foreign experts estimated it at 1000-1300 tons. As recalled in the book "The collapse of the empire," Yegor Gaidar, who in December was nothing to pay even for chartering vessels which have been previously purchased to transport grain. "The State Bank has closed all payments: Army officials us sinners. Remain unpaid. Vneshtorgbank declares itself bankrupt. He had nothing to pay for stay abroad naschih Representatives - home not on what is to come "- recorded in the diary Gorbachev aide Anatoly Chernyaev.
What do I do next?
If the political will to preserve the Soviet Union was possible. The problem was that no one knew what to do next. The only one with something decided, was Yeltsin. Good or bad "shock therapy" in Gaidar, a real alternative leave prices at the time were either military communism, requisitioning and cards, or hunger, cold and stop transport is already coming winter. The Kremlin has prevailed Opinion: radical economic reforms in Russia, then met fierce resistance, as if still negotiate each step with Kiev and Tashkent, in general nothing can be done.
leadership of the republic has decided: if Russia begins and we step aside and see what happens. History of the Soviet collapse is in memory of the famous phrase that Bill Clinton made the main slogan of his campaign: "It's the economy, queer!". Here in today's Russia: Energy of the road, production increases, the ruble grows stronger - and the government fears neither its own problems, not someone else's machinations.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
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order to kill Osama bin Laden's command 6 of U.S. Navy SEALs took with them weapons, protective gear, night vision devices and many other devices. They also have trained dogs. See photo - Dogs of war - A dog of war.
On their recent mission to kill Osama Bin Laden Team 6 of the US Navy SEALS took along guns, protective gear, nightvision goggles and a whole host of other gadgets to get the job done. They also brought one important instrument that doesn't run on batteries or bullets, but on dog food. A dog of war.
See a gallery with higher resolution - a site - site - Totallycoolpix