As inferred from the most recent phone call from my grandmother's future, Ignas is expected at any time.
immediately sat down so the idea of \u200b\u200bforging a deed:
Karteczko-image is essentially in vertical - to bend the back of the stand - and waits just to enter the joy after
For Vacuum
" Summer leaves and birds' ... singing songs under his nose and go back to my blog.
Summer goes far, unfortunately, and somehow this year was extremely busy - little children by the sea, some in the mountains. Recently a lot of work, but he suffers s aesthetic, and sometimes a piece of bread is worth seeing :-).
The fact is that the ribbon is not bent since the last entry! I've been sucking me lightly ...
In addition, I have to take a gallop to the promised child of birthday cards friend's grandmother in spe. As it is not compressed, this grandmother is no longer "in special" because it's basically at any moment.
idea carefully arranged and details ... in my head. Just do in the meantime. Soon
therefore appeal again.